1 /**
2   Mirror _pythread.h
3   */
4 module deimos.python.pythread;
6 import deimos.python.pyport;
8 extern(C):
9 // Python-header-file: Include/pythread.h:
11 version(Python_3_2_Or_Later) {
12     /** Return status codes for Python lock acquisition.  Chosen for maximum
13      * backwards compatibility, ie failure -> 0, success -> 1.  */
14     /// Availability: >= 3.2
15     enum PyLockStatus {
16         /// _
17         PY_LOCK_FAILURE = 0,
18         /// _
19         PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED = 1,
20         /// _
21         PY_LOCK_INTR
22     } 
23 }
25 /// _
26 alias void* PyThread_type_lock;
27 /// _
28 alias void* PyThread_type_sema;
30 /// _
31 void PyThread_init_thread();
32 /// _
33 C_long PyThread_start_new_thread(void function(void*), void*);
34 /// _
35 void PyThread_exit_thread();
36 /// _
37 void PyThread__PyThread_exit_thread();
38 /// _
39 C_long PyThread_get_thread_ident();
41 /// _
42 PyThread_type_lock PyThread_allocate_lock();
43 /// _
44 void PyThread_free_lock(PyThread_type_lock);
45 /// _
46 int PyThread_acquire_lock(PyThread_type_lock, int);
47 /// _
48 enum WAIT_LOCK = 1;
49 /// _
50 enum NOWAIT_LOCK = 0;
51 version(Python_3_2_Or_Later) {
52     /** PY_TIMEOUT_T is the integral type used to specify timeouts when waiting
53        on a lock (see PyThread_acquire_lock_timed() below).
54        PY_TIMEOUT_MAX is the highest usable value (in microseconds) of that
55        type, and depends on the system threading API.
57         NOTE: this isn't the same value as `_thread.TIMEOUT_MAX`.  The _thread
58         module exposes a higher-level API, with timeouts expressed in seconds
59         and floating-point numbers allowed.
60      */
61     /// Availability: >= 3.2
62     alias C_long PY_TIMEOUT_T;
64     /* In the NT API, the timeout is a DWORD and is expressed in milliseconds */
65     /+ ??
66 #if defined (NT_THREADS)
67 #if (Py_LL(0xFFFFFFFF) * 1000 < PY_TIMEOUT_MAX)
68 #undef PY_TIMEOUT_MAX
69 #define PY_TIMEOUT_MAX (Py_LL(0xFFFFFFFF) * 1000)
70 #endif
71 #endif
72         +/
74         /* If microseconds == 0, the call is non-blocking: it returns immediately
75        even when the lock can't be acquired.
76        If microseconds > 0, the call waits up to the specified duration.
77        If microseconds < 0, the call waits until success (or abnormal failure)
79        microseconds must be less than PY_TIMEOUT_MAX. Behaviour otherwise is
80        undefined.
82        If intr_flag is true and the acquire is interrupted by a signal, then the
83        call will return PY_LOCK_INTR.  The caller may reattempt to acquire the
84        lock.
85      */
86     /// Availability: >= 3.2
87         PyLockStatus PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(
88             PyThread_type_lock,
89             PY_TIMEOUT_T microseconds,
90             int intr_flag);
92 }
93 /// _
94 void PyThread_release_lock(PyThread_type_lock);
96 version(Python_2_5_Or_Later){
97     /// Availability: >= 2.5
98     size_t PyThread_get_stacksize();
99     /// Availability: >= 2.5
100     int PyThread_set_stacksize(size_t);
101 }
103 /// _
104 void PyThread_exit_prog(int);
105 /// _
106 void PyThread__PyThread_exit_prog(int);
108 /// _
109 int PyThread_create_key();
110 /// _
111 void PyThread_delete_key(int);
112 /// _
113 int PyThread_set_key_value(int, void*);
114 /// _
115 void* PyThread_get_key_value(int);
116 /// _
117 void PyThread_delete_key_value(int key);
119 version(Python_2_5_Or_Later) {
120     /// Availability: >= 2.5
121     void PyThread_ReInitTLS();
122 }